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The "Mr Jones" Method

How experience 👨‍🏫🏋️‍♀️

became a philosophy 🤔💡

which turned into a methodology😍💎

The Observation ...

Language learning is broken 💔🤯

💸 It is expensive. 

Every hour spent studying haphazardly is still an hour paid for .

🥴 It is unproductive.

Students may need hundreds of hours to finally cover everything they actually need. For every hour wasted is another hour spent not delivering in crucial situations resulting in a loss of productivity.

😩 Students get frustrated.

Learning a language in high-school was a painful experience for most people in France, and they still carry this trauma as an adult, a standardized learning method just reopens this wound.

The Solution

(aka "The Mr Jones Method") 😉

100% tailor-made and adaptable 📏🧵 
Before the first lesson, we deep dive into the company or individual’s specific needs and objectives. Build a personalised plan so that students are being efficient with their time from the off. Added to this, we remain agile so that we can adapt to the student’s needs as they evolve or arise throughout the learning process. No time or money wasted at any point.

Coaching-based 🏋️‍♀️
Our method is based on speaking, doing and practicing real-life situations. The more you practice in a safe environment, the more comfortable you will be in the wild. If you are in sales you will practice pitching your products and your company to potential clients. In HR? We will go through your on-boarding pitch or do a test interview. Then repeat🔁. All with one key objective… building confidence.


The extra mile: Solidify, grow, socialise 🐛🦋. 
The Mr Jones Social Club includes pub nights, picnics, basketball club, book club & more 🥂. This is included in the course at no extra cost.

Mr Jones method is the most value concentrated learning format on the market, no time or money is wasted.

Results ??

The proof is in the pudding: we pride ourselves in having 100% satisfaction for program relevance 😍, 5⭐ on google reviews and 99% NPS (for the geeks) 🤗😊.

LogoQualiopi-300dpi-Avec Marianne.png

La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre des catégories suivantes :


See for yourself our incredible results from satisfaction questionnaires...

Recommanderiez-vous Mr Jones à un(e) ami(e), collègue ou membre de votre famille ? (1 étant très peu probable, 10 étant extrêmement probable)

9,9 / 10

Note globale de la formation (la plus faible étant 1 étoile, la plus forte étant 5)

4,9 / 5

Pertinence du programme

100% satisfied or very satisfied

Maitrise du sujet du formateur

100% very satisfied or satisfied

Accueil du formateur

100% very satisfied or satisfied

Nombre total d'étudiants actuels


Valid 28/06/2023

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