Come and learn English with Mr Jones. Our English lessons are tailor made and offer classic teaching techniques crafted around the Mr. Jones philosophy and are:
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Our Commitment to Quality
Depuis Novembre 2021, Mr Jones Language Academy a obtenu la certification qualité Qualiopi 🤓
This quality certification highlights the professionalism and dedication of the teaching and administrative teams at Mr. Jones Language Academy, who work daily to provide high-quality language training.
Our quality commitment drives the academy to:
Offer personalized support to each of our learners.
Embed practices and processes within a continuous improvement framework, strengthened by regular feedback from all stakeholders (learners, instructors, employers, and training sponsors).
A system of exchange, experience sharing, and best practices allows our academy to grow, ensuring better mastery of our training processes and offering courses that meet the needs of both learners and their employers.
Mr. Jones Language Academy has also earned the Qualiopi quality certification in the following training categories:
Training actions
La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre des catégories suivantes :
See for yourself our incredible results from satisfaction questionnaires...
Recommanderiez-vous Mr Jones à un(e) ami(e), collègue ou membre de votre famille ? (1 étant très peu probable, 10 étant extrêmement probable)
Note globale de la formation (la plus faible étant 1 étoile, la plus forte étant 5)
Pertinence du programme
Maitrise du sujet du formateur
9,8 / 10
5 / 5
100% satisfied or very satisfied
100% very satisfied
Accueil du formateur
100% very satisfied
Nombre total d'étudiants actuels
Valid 01/01/2024